In this project, our clients purchased an existing restaurant fraught with stormwater management issues on the property. Runoff from an adjacent state highway and parking lot regularly flooded the kitchen. Additionally, a man-made pond on the property had become a problematic breeding ground for mosquitos that virtually prohibited outdoor dining during the summer. Both challenges restricted the restaurant from operating at its fullest potential.
Our design/build team’s goals were to address the water runoff and mosquito issues using environmentally and financially sustainable practices. Lowering the grades around the building and parking, we were able to direct the runoff into a dry stream bed enriched with water-worn cobbles and river stones and planted banks. We addressed the mosquito problem by increasing the pond’s depth, adding an aeration system, and planting the banks with wildflowers. By raising the outdoor dining, guests now overlook the pond and pleasing landscape. Natural breezes at this higher level help alleviate mosquitos.